Web-based Maps for Greenhouse Gas, Water, and Energy Sustainability Analysis and Climate Risk Assessment Support

Climate Change Mitigation Planning in Maryland, USA. The above map application shows Maryland facilities that reported under the U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (40 CFR Part 98) in 2016 and the total yearly Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents (MTCO2e) aggregated by county. The map also includes a layer with the hypothetical dollar value of the GHG emissions using a social cost of carbon of $20 per MTCO2e totalized by county. See www.epa.gov/ghgreporting for more information. This map is for illustration purposes only. See www.epa.gov/ghgreporting for more information. This map is for illustration purposes only, Please contact GHG Engineering to discuss your specific carbon exposure risks and opportunities under the proposed Maryland GHG Mitigation Plan and see our upcoming Blog on this subject.

Use Sankey Diagrams to Turn Non-intuitive Energy, Water, GHG, and other Data Sets into Actionable Visualizations

MD Fossil FuelCoalNatural GasOtherPetroleumMD Nuclear PowerNuclearMD RenewableHydroelectricOther biomassSolarWindWood2016 MD GenerationPJM Fossil FuelPJM Nuclear PowerPJM Renewable2016 PJM Generation2016 MD Retail SalesTotal Fossil FuelsTotal NuclearTotal Renewables

Sankey diagram for Maryland's electrical energy generation flows and out of state electricity purchases in 2016. Thickness of the lines is proportional to the individual generation values. Diagram depicts the individual and overall fuel mix used to generate electricity in Mayland and electricity imports. Different diagrams could be used to visualize different generation mix scenarios for low carbon emission plans at the regional, local, or corporate levels. Sankey diagram generated with SankeyMatic. Data sources U.S. EIA, Maryland Department of the Environement, and GHG Engineering estimates. For illustration purposes only.