The Maryland Commission on Climate Change (MCCC) is finalizing the (draft) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (Plan). The MCCC has made a tremendous effort to develop a Plan to reduce state wide greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030 from 2006 levels, the state also has a goal of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. Transportation is the No.1 source of GHG emissions in MD with at least 38% contribution.
However, the anticipated Plan does not include the potential carbon emission reduction opportunities that sustainable biofuels and sustainable low carbon fuels could have in the transportation sector. In addition sustainable biofuels and sustainable low carbon fuel programs can be engines for economic growth, employment, and revenue for the agricultural sector, local governments, innovators, academic institutions, and businesses. Recently, a group of private sector companies and NGOs submitted a petition to the MCCC urging it to consider including these alternative transportation fuels in the Plan.
John Mosheim, P.E., CEM is Principal Water + Carbon Sustainability Engineer at GHG Engineering, LLC, a sustainability engineering firm located Rockville, Maryland, USA. He can be contacted at jam [at]ghgengineering.com or 443-370-595six. John has worked in transportation related projects such as Mexico City’s Metrobus Insurgentes BRT system, SEPTA’s Philadelphia Market-Frankford Trolley hybrid trolley system, and a Video conferencing vs. Conventional Travel Carbon Emission Reduction Assessment Tool for the US telecom industry.
The above information is not to be considered as any direct or indirect advise, recommendation, or anticipated outcomes regarding MD’s (draft) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan or any related federal, state, or local programs, either from the technical, regulatory, or policy perspective(s). The views expressed in this document are those of the author alone. An effort has been made to present information as accurately as possible; however, should any discrepancy be found please contact the author so that the appropriate revisions can be made.